DewMaster Chilled Mirror Hygrometer

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    A robust hygrometer for laboratory and industrial applications with field proven reliability and precision
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    Drift free primary method chilled mirror sensors have wide measurement ranges and do not require periodic recalibration
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    ISO/IEC 17025 accredited NIST traceable certification
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    Best in class air cooled temperature depression simplifies operation
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    Automatic Balance Control corrects for contaminants to maintain accuracy
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    Multiple sensor configurations available to fit various applications
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    Desk top, rack mount and NEMA 4X enclosure options available
The DewMaster is a laboratory grade, high precision, field proven instrument with multiple available sensor configurations and wide applicability. Available sensors include the high performance, chemically resistant Model X3 and the remotely mounted Model DX drift free chilled mirror sensors.

This fast, multi-function, high precision chilled mirror hygrometer continuously monitors dew/frost point temperature, parts per million water vapor by volume or percent relative humidity in gas streams. Based on the primary method chilled mirror measurement technique, it features user friendly, easy access sensors, automatic startup and balance, and self-diagnostics. Unlike other dew/frost point sensor types, chilled mirror sensors are easily cleaned when necessary and rarely require replacement.

Applications range from use as a calibration standard, to monitoring moisture content in continuous industrial processes. Hygrometer sensor configuration and range options are available. The X3 Sensor can be air, fan or liquid cooled and the DX Sensor can be remotely mounted for area monitoring or used as an insertion sensor. Visit the DewMaster datasheet under Downloads, above, for specifications.
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