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Vacuum Systems




DewTech 390 Low Dewpoint Hygrometer
DewTech 390 Low Dewpoint Hygrometer
  • A precision laboratory grade hygrometer system that measures an extremely wide range of dew/frost points in gases from as low as –90°C frost point to as high as +20°C dew point
  • Based in the primary method chilled mirror technique with all the attributes, features and certifications needed for laboratory use at an affordable price
  • Ideal for metrology labs, scientific research and process measurements or any application where high precision measurement of dew/frost point over a wide range with fast response and high stability are required
PTDM Pressure Transducer
PTDM Pressure Transducer
  • Designed for accurate pressure measurement of gases or liquids compatible with stainless steel
  • Excellent stability, accuracy, and fast dynamic response
  • Sensor features a one-piece 17-4 PH stainless steel pressure sensor and an insulated electrode, which forms a variable capacitor

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