Edgetech Instruments is your source for dew/frost point, humidity, temperature, oxygen content and pressure calibrations and certifications.
Your certifications and calibrations can be expedited by Edgetech Instruments giving you the fastest turn-around time available. Edgetech Instruments services major hygrometer brands with professional and friendly Rapid Response Customer Service.
All dew/frost point, humidity, temperature and pressure recertification and calibration services are performed in the USA, in Edgetech Instruments Inc.’s ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited, ISO 9001:2015 registered calibration laboratory. All certifications and calibrations are traceable to NIST, assuring the highest level of accuracy and confidence.
Featuring Rapid Response Customer Service that is professional, friendly and affordable. Edgetech Instruments now recertifies chilled mirror hygrometers made by other major manufacturers in addition to recertifying their own instruments.
Now there is no need to wait long periods for recertification of your chilled mirror hygrometer. Rapid Response Customer Service assures customers will get a call back from Edgetech Instruments with a proposed solution to their needs. Further, recertification and calibrations to NIST traceable standards, and most repairs, are accomplished rapidly at very affordable prices. Quick turnaround without compromise is a hallmark of the Edgetech Instruments Rapid Response Customer Service Program.
You never take a chance on accuracy with Edgetech Instruments.